Friday, September 5, 2008

Thing 18 - YouTube

YouTube. Where would the world be without ya? I use YouTube to check out clips of TV shows I don't get to see because I don't have cable. Oh ya, I'm supposed to be thinking about libraries. I do see some potential in this for a library orientation or a get to know the librarians video. Our intranet doesn't support this type of html code, so it's hard for us to get too creative. A class for librarians on how to produce YouTube videos and podcasts would be great, though!

The video on 23Things with the IT guy explaining how to use a book is hilarious! Here's my post...One of the lead singers of my favorite band posts videos of himself singing in his bathroom. This video is a song off their children's album, Snacktime - this song is called, "There's a Word for That".

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