Thursday, May 21, 2009

Thing 29 - Google Tools

The news has been so depressing lately, I didn't want to create a newsy Google Alert. I looked at a site that was new to me - I signed up for a Craigslist alert for anyone selling the Mary Poppins dvd. My 3 year old loves that movie! I'm anxiously awaiting news of a slightly used movie classic to make it's way to my email.

The problem I have with alerts is the fact that it comes to my already very crowded email. I really need to erase several (hundred) messages from my email account. I need to clean my online life as much as I need to clean my house. Uh. Another depressing thought.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Thing 28 - Customized Home Pages

I have tried iGoogle in the past. It somehow annoyed me. Although in theory I thought it would be extremely useful, I was bothered at seeing everything I look at on the Web staring at me all of the time. Well, that was last year, so maybe it will be different this time.

After reading the articles on this Thing, I decided to try Netvibes. Very cool. Again, I'm drawn to all of the cool gadgets and widgets and what nots. I'm hoping this doesn't annoy me like iGoogle. I have my Facebook, Twitter, news, Craigslist, RSS feeds and the weather on there. I'll see how it goes...